My Practice

Judy Iwaoka is a master of therapeutic healing disciplines and applies a unique set of solutions to each client’s issues for fast and effective relief. Her clients quickly feel better and clear blocks that have kept them stuck. In areas such as health, finances or relationships, clients come to her saying, “I’m ready to step out of patterns that hold me back. I’ve suffered long enough.” Clients who realize that change outside themselves comes from changes within themselves achieve the best results from Judy’s work. Some clients simply want to stop the pain in this moment. Some are motivated to stop generations-old patterns so they don’t continue into the future. Judy effectively handles both client types.


Judy provides a form of organic well-being and resurrection for her clients by allowing the release of chronic symptoms. Her practical, non-judgmental approach creates an effective, healing environment. Clients often report being surprised to receive benefits in areas that they weren’t directly addressing or even expecting to get help in. Her systems approach to healing provides welcome relief, forward momentum and renewed energy as underlying issues and ineffective patterns are released.


Judy Iwaoka is available to consult with individuals, families, workplace and organizations in person in New York City and worldwide via Skype.,, (212) 666-1552


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© Feeling Free Now 2020